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40 in 50: Craft Room Organizer Turned Bathroom Storage

Say that three times fast.

One of the flaws in our home (my husband may not necessarily agree), is that our master bathroom has very little storage. The guest bathroom has more storage than ours does! So when we moved in, I knew something needed to be done.

I had an old shelving unit I got a few years ago for my craft room, but wasn’t using, so Ian hung it above the bathtub, and it now holds things that would otherwise be cluttering up the counter (which I hate).

I wish I had a before picture to show how I used it for crafts, but I don’t, so you only get to see the after.

Yes, I realize one shelf is completely empty, but it’s difficult to fit things when the shelves are only 3″ deep.

A place for everything and everything in its place.

Mason jars are perfect for holding just about everything, plus they’re cute, and one of the few things that fit into these small cubbies.

On an unrelated note, Goose wanted to say hi.

 (Ignore the fact that it looks like a bomb went off in our house behind her)

We’re enjoying my day off infront of the fire until the weather decides to make up its mind.

rain + snow + slush + gray skies one minute + blue skies the next


no fun with a puppy who just wants to play chuck-it.

Berry Muffins

I have a few go-to recipes that have yet to fail me, one of which is this one that my sister-in-law shared with me the last time I visited. They’re simple muffins that can be modified depending on the berries available, and have one surprising ingredient that makes them moist.

– For the muffins –

1 1/2 c. flour

1 c. sugar

1 t. baking soda

1/2 t. salt

1/2 c. milk

1 t. apple cider vinegar

1 t. vanilla

4 T applesauce (here’s the secret ingredient I mentioned!)

1/2 c. oil

1 c. berries (I used blueberries)

– For the topping –

1/2 c. flour

1/2 c. sugar

pinch of salt

1/2 t. cinnamon

1 or 2 T melted butter

Begin by mixing flour, sugar, baking soda, and salt. Add remaining ingredients.

Mix just until the batter is just combined (your batter will be slightly goopy).

Meanwhile, in a separate bowl, combine ingredients for topping and set aside.

Scoop your batter into lined muffin tins. These have a tendency to stick really bad (even in a greased pan), so I always use liners.

Place a spoonful of topping into each tin, then firmly press with the back of a spoon to keep the topping in place.

Bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes.

Allow to cool.


Freebie Friday | February 24

Last week, one of my favorite blogs asked if the chevron was still in or if you’re over it, just as I was preparing these printables.

I hope the chevron is here to stay because I love it.

Here’s 3 printables for you to enjoy!

Hang them in your kitchen, or anywhere you need a little color and encouragement.

download silverware printable | here |

download scripture printable | here |

download place setting printable | here |

Happy Friday!

40 in 50: Minted Design Contest

It has occurred to me that if I don’t get crackin’ on my 40 in 50 projects, I’m going to run out of time. Seeing as how I started this project on February 12, I have until April 2 to complete all 40.


For those of you who don’t know about | minted | it’s a great site to get any kind of paper product you could imagine. From business cards to baby journals, they’ve got you covered.

One of the neatest things about the company is that they allow anyone to upload a design, then the other designers rate them. If your design is picked, it’s made into a product that minted sells, and you receive commission.

Pretty awesome, right?

Recently, I entered a few designs into both a moving announcement challenge, and a graduation announcement challenge.

Regardless of whether or not I win (there are typically around 700-1000 submissions!), I like that I can get feedback from “real” designers, and get my name out.

Here’s my submissions, wish me luck!

Moving Announcement Challenge:

Graduation Announcement Challenge:

Thoughts on Friendship

You know those friends who are irreplaceable? The ones who have seen you at your worst and still stood by your side? The ones who you can share anything with and know there is no judgement?

For me, Hilary is that friend.

I think this is the first picture we ever took together, and in case you’re wondering, yes, those are gauchos I’m wearing.

Hil tool me under her wing when I was a Freshman at OSU and she was a Junior (?). I think we clicked the moment we met and from there, spent countless hours leading Young Life together, complaining about school/talking each other out of going to class, falling asleep during pilates, and sharing in our hatred of Thanksgiving food (it’s true, folks).

Not only is Hilary an incredible friend, she loves Jesus an awful lot, has given me Godly advice more times than I can count, and prayed with me more times than I can remember.

Hil is an amazing mom to an adorable baby, and one of the craftiest people I know.


Check out her blog | here |

She and I are doing our best to not let a 55 mile gap between the 2 of us let our friendship dwindle, so Tuesday nights are becoming a night that I look forward to more than she knows. Last Tuesday night I left feeling so  thankful that the Lord places friends like this in our lives.

Friends who pray for you;

Friends who ask the tough questions;

Friends who lead 10 girls at a Young Life camp with you, running on less than 3 hours of sleep while more exhausted than words can express;

Friends who are brutally honest with you (about everything);

Friends who are just as loud as you;

Friends who know how to make you laugh in any situation;

Friends who stand beside you at your wedding.

(can you tell we used the same wedding photographer?)

Hil, you are the most incredible friend I know, and until God’s will allows us to live in the same city, I’m happy to drive the 55 miles.

On a completely unrelated note, remember how I said I would always post pictures of my projects, even if they were screwed up?

Well, here it is:

While making a baby blanket for my sister-in-law, I got a little carried away with | this | freakin’ tool and ended up cutting through all the layers, rather than just the top one.

I still found a way to save the blanket though, not to worry.

Oh, and Hil was the first person I sent a picture to while freaking out…so I guess this is slightly related to the beginning of the post.

Have a Happy Thursday!