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Our 2012 Christmas Card…

Meet our 2012 Christmas card:

Did you catch that last part?

Yupp, we’re having a baby!!!

We are completely shocked, extremely joyful, and 100% trusting in God’s timing.

The first weeks were a little (OK a lot) rough and I completely feel for any woman who has ever experienced morning sickness. I used to think it was totally overrated and women were big sissies, but I’ve been humbled to say the least.
(And can I just add that I’m seriously considering sending a letter to Pinterest telling them they need a “hide all food/recipes” option? Honestly, I do not need to see your twice-baked, double-fried coconut triple chocolate cake with hazelnut frosting at 7 am when it’s all I can do to keep a piece of buttered toast down.)

But now I’m 17 weeks, (hopefully) over the morning sickness, and anxiously awaiting feeling the first flutters.

It seems to be baby season galore in this next of the woods (seriously, so many of my lady friends are preggers), which makes the fact that we’ll have babies growing up together even more exciting!

We’ll be able to find out the sex in just a few more weeks, but whether we’re going to is still up for debate. I don’t want to, Ian’s dying to know. Figures. We did agree on a name within the first couple of weeks (kind of amazing, right?), but now we’re wavering between two. Either way, I feel confident that our baby will have a name by the time we leave the hospital. That is one thing we’re keeping a secret, though! My actual due date is June 4, which makes for a very busy end of spring in our household with Ian’s birthday being May 22, mine May 25, and baby (hopefully) shortly thereafter!

The lack of posts around here can be attributed to this whole pregnancy thing. I swear, ever since getting pregnant, it’s like this baby sucked all the creativity out of me. Until recently, I’ve found myself sitting in my craft room, staring at all my supplies and having no idea what I can make.


But Crafty Christmas is in full-force with only 24 left to craft, so I’d better get back to it, just wanted to share our exciting news with all of you!

P.S. It’s snowing on my blog and I have no idea how that happened, but thank you, WordPress!

Freebie Friday | December 14

A place for everything and everything in its place.

If you’re anything like me, you like to stay organized. Whether it’s your home, car, or office, you like to keep everything neat, tidy, and where it belongs. Which is exactly why I created this- a desktop wallpaper where you can do just that. Call it OCD, but when you know exactly where to look for a specific file hidden within a bazillion folders, it makes things a little more simple.

Not sure how to use it? Here are the basics:
(Note that this is all for a Mac, if you’re using a PC, I can’t really help you)

– 1 –

You’ll probably want to change the picture so that it’s your own, so download the file, save it to your desktop, then edit it how you prefer. Save the file as a JPG to your desktop once you’re done, then open your System Preferences and click ‘Desktop & Screen Saver’

– 2 –

From the ‘Folders’ tab, click ‘Desktop’ and then select the image you’ve downloaded/created.

Simple as that, right?

If your icons match up perfectly with the pre-made lines, you’re good to go, but my guess is it might need a little adjusting…here’s a few more steps to get the wallpaper just perfect:

– 3 –

On your desktop with nothing selected, go to ‘View’ then ‘Show View Options’ at the very bottom.

Here you can change both the size of your icons, and how far the space is between them. Move the little dot up and down on the scale until your icons are properly spaced within the lines.

Now you’re done! Unless of course, you want to change the folder options to something more fun and cute that is a better representation of what’s actually in each particular folder. 🙂

Joyeux Noel

The past week has been busy and (clearly) I’ve taken a hiatus from blogging. First of all, thank you for all of your Christmas card orders. Your support of my small business means the world to me and I hope you enjoy looking at your Christmas cards as much as I enjoyed designing them. I still have a few more orders to get to, but for the most part, all orders have been shipped.

What a relief!

Project: Thankful seemed to be put on the back burner as well the past week, but I can assure you, I’m still giving thanks, even when I’m not posting everyday. I’m constantly amazed at the blessings the Lord constantly pours over Ian and I, as well as our entire families, when we have done absolutely nothing to deserve it.

Anyway, on a completely unrelated note, I came across this great (and hilarious) | blog | the other day via Pinterest and I love this quote she posted:

And then I wanted to make something all fancy and shimmery for Christmas thanks to the Biebs, so I came up with this free download for you:

(click the image to begin download)

Have a Merry Weekend!

We’re going tree hunting (better late than never…)