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Posts from the ‘goose’ Category

40 in 50: Craft Room Organizer Turned Bathroom Storage

Say that three times fast.

One of the flaws in our home (my husband may not necessarily agree), is that our master bathroom has very little storage. The guest bathroom has more storage than ours does! So when we moved in, I knew something needed to be done.

I had an old shelving unit I got a few years ago for my craft room, but wasn’t using, so Ian hung it above the bathtub, and it now holds things that would otherwise be cluttering up the counter (which I hate).

I wish I had a before picture to show how I used it for crafts, but I don’t, so you only get to see the after.

Yes, I realize one shelf is completely empty, but it’s difficult to fit things when the shelves are only 3″ deep.

A place for everything and everything in its place.

Mason jars are perfect for holding just about everything, plus they’re cute, and one of the few things that fit into these small cubbies.

On an unrelated note, Goose wanted to say hi.

 (Ignore the fact that it looks like a bomb went off in our house behind her)

We’re enjoying my day off infront of the fire until the weather decides to make up its mind.

rain + snow + slush + gray skies one minute + blue skies the next


no fun with a puppy who just wants to play chuck-it.

in a nutshell: our weekend

Remember how I said we’re becoming those annoying dog people? Well, it’s 100x worse now.

Our weekend was full of this…

And lots of this,

Plus this,

But mostly we just sat and stared at our adorable new puppy, tried to sleep over the pitiful sounds that came from her crate, and did our best to potty train this pooch.

the countdown is on

We are so becoming those annoying dog people who don’t have kids yet so they just show pictures of their pets to friends.

But seriously, who could resist that face? In 2 short days we get to bring her home, and I don’t think the next 48 hours will go quick enough.

The puppy craze started one Saturday morning when we were sitting on the couch, bored, reading the classifieds. Ian came across mastiff puppies and I think we both thought why not?

So he called them.

And we went and looked.

They were adorable.

But the place was sketchy. They didn’t let us see all the dogs they had or where they kept them. The woman said they really liked cheese…(what?! cheese??).

Basically, all signs pointed to NO.

After seeing them, we got puppy fever. But we decided to do our research, and after lots of discussion, agreed on a lab.

I have to admit, I wasn’t too excited at first, for a few reasons.

1. I really wanted a dog that wouldn’t shed;

2. I had my heart set on a Labradoodle or  Weimaraner;

3. It seems like everyone and their mom owns a lab.

But Ian has always wanted a lab of his own to train to hunt with him, so, being the amazing wife I am, I agreed.

He found a really great breeder locally and when we called him, he was expecting a litter of yellow lab puppies! We went out and met the mom, he showed Ian the training that he does with them if you choose that option, gave  us a tour of the kennels he has for them (which were spotless), and the whelping shed he built. We left impressed.

We put our name on the  list (because he only has 1 litter a year), and when he was sure the dog was pregnant, let us know.

He called us the day after they were born and said we could come see them whenever, so we waited a few weeks and then headed out there.

Then he called us again last week to let us know we could come pick her out, so we did!

It was so fun being involved in the whole process of the puppy, rather than just going to pick her out and taking her home right away.

The anticipation has been killing us, but I am so glad we didn’t end up getting one of the cheese-loving mastiffs.

Moral of the story: Patience pays off.

Oh, and if you’re wondering why we named our female dog Goose,  you can talk to my husband about that.