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Freebie Friday | May 11

So I know I said all of May’s Freebie Fridays would be birthday cards, but I think the moms need some love this weekend, and I apologize I’m so late in posting this…it was a long day:

Hubby’s car got broken into at 6:45am at the gym.

His wallet + work phone + personal phone were stolen.

My phone all of a sudden wouldn’t turn on, so he came home when he couldn’t get ahold of me, thinking something had happened.

Let’s just say it was a crazy/hectic/tear-filled/frustrating morning, in which I wasn’t in the mood to post, and it wasn’t exactly high on my priority list.

Can we talk for a minute about the power of prayer?

The minute Ian called to tell me, I was so furious. Having things stolen is such a violating feeling.

But as soon as we got off the phone, I began to pray.

I prayed for the person who did this.

I prayed that Ian and I would forgive them.

I prayed that we would remember and be thankful that each of these things can be replaced.

But I kept coming back, over and over, and praying over the person who did this. I have no idea why, but I felt like that’s what God put on my heart. And so, as difficult as it was, I obeyed, and I was reminded of Matthew 5:44:

“But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”

No one wants to pray for their enemy, it’s one of the most difficult things there is to do, but the power of prayer is a pretty amazing thing. And as weird as it sounds, I am now completely at peace with this. Often, we have no idea why the Lord puts certain things on our heart, and although we may not know the reason, we can still obey.

Prayer is pretty dang incredible.

And so is our Savior.

And because there is no easy way to transition to Freebie Friday…on a less-depressing note, Mother’s Day is this weekend, and I can’t wait!

In anticipation, this weeks freebie is a printable card just for mom.

Click | here | to begin download and enjoy!

6 Comments Post a comment
  1. Sarah #

    Thank you so much for your post. I’ve been battling the same thing(praying for your enemies). Infact, thought I’ve been a Christian for many years, the thought has not even crossed my mind to pray for this particular person. Thank you for bringing this to my attention and for helping me realize(and remember) that the only thing that can help this person is God.

    May 13, 2012
  2. Carrie #

    I found your blog through a pin on pinterest and I’m so excited! I am loving looking through it and reading what you have to share. And then I realize that your name is Lindsay and you maybe you get called Lulu since this is design by lulu :)and I think it was meant to be that I found your blog. I have a daughter, Lindsey, and we often call her Lindsey Lu or just Lulu! I completely agree that having something stolen from you leaves you feeling violated. Way to follow the leading of the Lord and continue to pray for the person who did it! I’m glad you were left with a peace about it. I look forward to following your blog. God Bless!

    May 16, 2012
    • Thanks so much, Carrie! Yes, that’s where Lulu came from, but I didn’t actually begin getting called Lulu until my first nephew came along and it was easier than Lindsay, and it just kind of stuck. My dad always called my Lindsay Lou growing up though! So funny how nicknames are the same throughout multiple families! Thanks for following along, I’m glad you’re enjoying my blog.

      May 16, 2012
  3. Thanks for the uplifting words. I would love it if you would share a story of how prayer has worked in your life in my law of attraction blog ( Credit and link given, of course! I’ll check your blog for a reply.

    June 1, 2012
  4. a. turner #

    Just curious, what typeface did you use for “MOM” I’m in love with it! Great card!

    May 3, 2013
    • Thank you! The font is called Seaside Resort NF…I think I got it from Font Squirrel if I remember correct.

      May 3, 2013

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